Friend, we share many of the same goals in life. We want to be happy, successful, and do good things for our family and friends. As Christians, our heart desires to be in close relationship with our heavenly Father. We want to please Him and to live in His presence. That is the way He made us. He has designed us to have goals, dreams and visions to both impact today and touch eternity.
Christians were designed that:
- Our spirit is directly connected to the Holy Spirit with His fruit and gifts.
- Our mind is active and our thoughts are focused on God’s will and purpose.
- Our body enjoys divine health and it serves God as His holy temple.
- Our relationships are healthy and growing, filled with joy, love and meaning.
- Our work is challenging, meaningful and rewarding.
- We live in His Shalom – Nothing broken, nothing missing!
In short, we live like Jesus did, supernaturally walking in perfect balance and purpose.
This is abundant life, but your real life may be far different!
Let’s be transparent, most Christians don’t live this type of supernatural, purpose driven life. Many are trapped doing the things they have to do, unable to change and do the things they want to do. We have good intentions, but time quickly flies by, one day turns into a week, a week into a month and a month into a year. We do the same thing over and over again, because we are stuck and don’t know how to get off life’s speeding treadmill. We know that Jesus promised to give an abundant life, but that seems highly unlikely, if not just plain impossible.
I have experienced both great victories and horrible defeats.
I have been following Jesus for more than 40 years. God has blessed me with a wonderful wife, Teri, of 29 years and four tremendous adult children. He has made it possible for me to earn a master degree in communication and also to go to law school.
Through the years, I have directly served powerful international ministries in executive leadership roles. He gave me the incredible opportunity as the president of a national Christian television network, to produce and host many life-changing programs. I am an ordained minister, who has written 14 books about faith, life and Christian citizenship and one about the American Civil War. I am a college professor, an inspirational speaker and a certified life coach.
Friend, I thought it would be important for you know about my victories, because I also want for you to know that through this journey, I have had to wrestle with many failures, fears, sickness, disappointment and betrayal. There have been many times that I wanted to quit and run away. Through all of these seasons, of both great victories and horrible defeats, God continues to show me what it means to win in life His way.