Basic Life Training

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Coach’s Overview:

Welcome! Get started by downloading this session’s Coaching Guide. It is important to write down your goals,  we will be revisiting them later in the program. Begin using the Basic Training X-Factor Report to track your progress. All of my Coaching Guides are printable PDFs. Many students three-hole punch them and put them into your customized Winners Guide as a three-ring binder. You will be able to return both to your online coaching and to your printed personalized binder again and again. Also, all of the coaching videos are Closed Caption. Click on the CC in the video player controller to turn on. Remember to click the Mark Complete button to automatically move to the next session. 

Course Overview:

Let’s review how far we have come so far in our Winning God’s Way coaching sessions. By finishing the Real Life Assessment, you now have a better understanding of where you are strong and also what areas you need to work on. After the 5 Truths to Train Your Brain course you now are beginning to understand the power of your thoughts and imagination. Your self-image is being reformed based on the way God sees you. You are off to a great start! Congratulation on your desire to live in a way that will fulfill the purpose that God has designed just for you.

Now you are ready to begin to build a faith foundation for the rest of your life. This Life Basic Training course will do just that. We are going to cover a lot of ground over the next 21 Coaching Sessions.   I have organized our topics into a four-week program.

Each interactive coaching session is divided into two parts;

  • the first centers around online video-based training
  • the second part is my coaching assignment and practice for each session.
  • I plan on you taking coaching sessions 5 times a week and each will take about 30 minutes.

This Real Life approach to coaching is unique and very effective. In just a matter of a few weeks, you will start to feel the changes happening in your spirit, mind and body!

My prayer is that this coaching system will keep you on the path and at a pace to run the race God has set before you and to win it His way.

Coach’s Tip:

Quite simply, if you keep doing what you have always done, then you will keep getting what you have always gotten. To become the you that God has designed for you to be, you must count the cost and fully commit yourself to this Holy Spirit anointed process. It will take time and discipline, but my goal is to help you improve your self-image and discover the real you. As we begin, don’t trust your feelings and the coming strong desire for you to quit. Always, remember a person of faith is a faithful person.

Finish Strong:

I am excited to have the privilege of watching God work in your life. My passion to help you release the champion whom God has already created in you. That is what Basic Training all about.

Here is the bottom line, you don’t have to settle for anything less than being God’s best. No matter where you came from or where you are today, God is not finished with you.

Our goal is to help you become the best you possible and to win in life God’s way!   Coach Don